Tina, eat the food!

Hope you all had a lovely new year's eve and subsequently, a new year's day. I had a slumber party at Schmeed's house in which I sat straight up in the middle of the night & started yammering. It's really quite endearing that I'm a freaky slumber-guest. I promise.
We rang in the new year with a hellacious puzzle - and I must say I haven't had a new year's that tame in a good ten years.
Well, I've been perusing my stats for a while now, and there have been a lot of misdirected readers, trying to find "hot ass" or even "100 things to know in the Bible." I'm glad they could stop by, looking for porn or Jesus - but isn't that what we're all looking for? It's just too bad they thought ol' Connie Cobb had the answers.

2005-01-01 | 3:27 p.m.

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