Excerpt from "The Sorrow and the Pilates", A.A. Gill, Dec. 2004 Vanity Fair

"New York is the loneliest city. It doesn't smoke anymore, it doesn't drink much anymore, it doesn't do drugs, it's too rich and too expensive. The people who made the fun for the people who made the money have moved out. It's safe. But the city that doesn't sleep can now barely stay awake for dessert - if it ever ate dessert. Music's gone from something you shared in a dark room to a white box that hangs round your neck. Dance is no longer the vertical promise of horizontal desire; it's self-improvement. In a generation, New York swapped Studio 54 for an African Dance class. We don't just connive in our own humiliation, but in our loneliness too."

Brilliant, brilliant quote.

2004-11-14 | 2:56 p.m.

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