Ashton Kutcher is not 30. Repeat: Ashton Kutcher is not 30.

I AM SO BORED. I am so bored. So, so bored. I only wish that I had some stuff to do in order to keep me from checking my email every three minutes. It could be less than 3 minutes. It could be... every 2 minutes.

Also, I'm trying to not talk about food - not talk about the English muffins I had for breakfast - not about the waffles for lunch, not about the apple turnovers I'll be concocting tonight, not about the cheesy potato fritters I had last night - oh God, those cheesy potato fritters were fabbbbulous.

Speaking of God, my friend Maddy told me that she read in the paper that only Bush supporters may use a capital G for "God."

Please change every instance of god in this entry to a lower case g.

2004-03-04 | 3:13 p.m.

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