300! 300! 300!

Welcome to the THREE HUNDREDTH ENTRY into Connie Cobb's diary of choice.

Well, the eye is still red, and I can't get to the eye doctor until Tuesday. I hope I don't have the pink eye, although the weirdo that answered the phone at the doctor's office said that they've been treating a lot of "red eye this time of year." When I laughed, he said, "I'm serious." He also proceeded to say as we were getting off the phone, "See ya Tuesday and don't forget that this weekend is the Nascar opener." He sounded like Beetlejuice.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, y'all! Yeehawwww! I'm housesitting (again), so it will be a V-day full of cable love. Also, it will be a weekend full of Presidential love. Mmm-hmmm. No work on Monday!

To answer the newly-in-rotation question, I think that 90210 would kick the OC's ass, and it's because there's more of them, and they had, like, 25 year olds playing 16 year olds, whereas the OC kiddies are actual teenagers. And they probably only do cardio, and in 90210 days, it was all about the weights....

2004-02-13 | 9:37 a.m.

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