I cannot wait to get out of 213 Sycamore!

Ok, so I think hotmail caught wind of my affair with yahoo and conspired against all & sundry & now the damn thing won't work. I guess I broke it - who knows. Maybe I should just use my work address.

I made the coffee today, people. Does anybody know how I make coffee? Lemme break it down for you - I make it like I'm making espresso. ESPRESSO. The tar in this coffee is outta sight - it's like a Newport in a carafe. Speaking of carafe - I'm thinking the true meaning of "cafeteria" is "coffeehouse." I think that's where the word came from, but we, of course, have convoluted the meaning into "stinky meatloaf and refried Allsup's Burrito." Ahh Allsup's Burrito - ye shall forever remind me of this one time, in Hobbs, when Eliza's cousin wanted one & we had to go and get it. She ate it with mustard. I didn't much care for that incident.

I get to buy a new bed today. I get to buy a new bed today! Sleepful nights - here at last, HERE AT LAST.

New agenda, y'all! New agenda!

1. Learn to knit

2. Illustrate children's book

3. Knit up some sweaters

4. Make assload of paintings and sell them for jaw-dropping, staggeringly high prices.

5. Sell the sweaters

6. Get that damn portfolio together - mail it off, apply to CSM, get the hell on out of Burque, go through school (again), graduate (again), make tons of money as designer of million-dollar couture house, go off and stick own name on label. Buy apartments in NY, Paris, and London, get Scottie dog named "Eggroll," live happily ever after in said apartments with said dog making said amount of money. Be on piss-poor talk shows trying to tell people what they're doing wrong with their lives in fashion. Have an awakening, realize fashion is too superficial, make mind-blowing collection that wows the world again, slip back into the superficial culture, go back and forth - struggling with my own conscience and my greed - until death.


2003-08-29 | 9:41 a.m.

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50s people