My baby takes the morning train...

I am, in fact, eating the nastiest burrito ever concocted in my kitchen. It is the grossest tasting substance I might have ever made up - save for one incident in which I made Moroccan Lentil Pilaf, which tasted like the sweaty armpit of Morocco mixed with seasonings to enhance the flavor of... the sweaty armpit of Morocco.

Speaking of nasty shit to eat, I read just yesterday in this month's Elle magazine about the new detox fad that is all the rage for soccer moms to stoners. So - people go & don't eat wheat or dairy for 6 weeks & eat only organic vegetables with (sometimes) protein or starch (but never at the same time). Some of the detox camps make you drink salt water for 3 days, and then people puke and shit all over the joint. Why am I sharing this, you ask? Why am I overusing the word "shit"? Well - I was intrigued because some dude said that he went to the salt water one & after you poop all yer innards out in a bucket, you have to go through the runs & see what you find. (Nasty nasty nasty NASTY - hence puking, right?) Anyway, he said that a woman found a barbie doll shoe from when she was wee.


Oh my God, what the hell might be stuck inside me. As far as I know, I've gotten rid of the weird things I've swallowed - pennies, that one time we ate shark... I'm sure a ton of fingernails (please save your moans for the end of the entry, thank you). Yes, I'm sure I do not have various plastic parts in my body - I had salmonella for a week a couple years ago, and that must have cleared the way for new accoutrements to gather. I don't understand how that woman's barbie doll shoe didn't pass through already, though. Maybe the heel wedged itself on the side of Intestine Road, Ste. C. Hm.

Onward and upward, I say! I won't detox myself. I've never even used a laxative. Nor have I gone to a funeral. Nor have I seen Nevada. Nor have I ever been to a "Sam's Club." Thank God, I haven't gotten a tattoo, because I'd regret it now. Nor have I pierced anything south of the border. I hate cottage cheese (Cottage! Pff! That old world charm of a name won't sway me!). I also hate gauze on teeth and touching styrofoam.

Whoops! Time for me to go back to the office, m'chaps. Drink a scotch for me, and remember all those good times we had together - like cavities & enamel, mayne. Like cavities & enamel.

2003-06-17 | 1:10 pm

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