Things are happening here, people, and I ain't talkin bout no Taco Cabana. Maybe I am. Well I sure as hell am now. I just constantly crave salty salty meat! I cannot help myself! I drool over the salt-o meat-o (from a cow! A cow's salty flank - not the big i's! No offense, big i, but it is absolutely necessary that we keep it clean, keep it clean...)!

1. My CD player was stolen from my office, and my scatterbrain cannot remember the last time I saw it anyway. It could have been missing since November - I never bring CD's (I always forget, which is infuriating in itself) and radios don't work so well in bomb shelters, I guess. So - because of this, and because I didn't want to get into any sort of trouble (the CD player is not really mine, you see; it's property of the bookstore), I wandered around helplessly accusing people who seemed well-listened (as opposed to well-read). After that lost me some friends (which reminds me of those Special K commercials - "I was on that garlic diet - ate garlic all the time - yup, that lost me some friends"), I started thinking about those 3 wiley fellows who came in and took a shower with the Macarena playing or whatever - you know, that incident with the janitors that sounded like I was telling a joke. I do not, in any way, shape, or form, want to point the crook-finger at some janitors. They were very friendly, and they got their hips into it. Thus, the damn thing has been stolen, and I shouldn't give out the stink-eye like it's a concentration camp.

2. I am saying this ONLY ONCE and as a disclaimer because I know surly smelly-crotch Joe will get pissed - but the links on the side are because we only have room for Jello, and no room for cheesecake (agghh! malfunctioning! in a loop!). If anyone wants to read about you, Joey Joe Junior Shabadoo, they can look you up in the profile. Please remove your panties from the anal-pinching position now. I will have no lip from you, sir! And in more ways than one!

3. I am growing frighteningly close in appearance to Brittany Murphy. I am scared, and I feel almost alone, but not so much that I can't think about salty meat again and forget that...

4. I am growing frighteningly close in appearance to Brittany Murphy. I am scared, and I feel almost alone, but not so much that I can't think about salty meat again and forget that...

5. This is the song that never ends! Yes it goes on & on my friend! Some people (pause - kick!) started singing it, not knowing what it was! And they'll continue singing it forever just because.....

6. I am wearing 1 too many bracelets, it's an effort to be highly stylized, I'm sure. But it's altogether too Santa Fe. I feel like I need an SUV, a membership at Wild Oats, and a holier-than-thou attitude. Luckily, though, I can take 1 bracelet off, leaving only 2 - and thus, I can keep my Nissan Sentra, a membership at ... well, I don't belong to anything, so that one is obsolete, and my attitude is still chip-on-the-shoulder instead of holier-than-thou. Wooo!

7. I was reminiscing before I drifted off into sleepy slumber this morning at 4am and I recalled, in a way that I hadn't before, a clump of memories in referral to a young lady I will call Hank (for Eliza to realize who I am talking about). Hank peed in the tent we were staying in (in her backyard) and blamed it on the cat. I spilled nail polish remover all over Hank's vanity that her father had just finished making, and it stripped it of its varnish. Hank taught me about sex. Hank had a swimming pool party and I had a softball game - by the time I got over there, they were skinny-dipping, and I didn't join in for obvious, OBVIOUS reasons (prude! I am a prude!!!!). Hank was called two-tone for a while in high school because the bottom half of her hair was bleached and the top was growing in brown. Hank had a lazy eye in kindergarten & I was the only one who would befriend the patch-eyed girl. Hank started doing the coke later on, and god only knows what happened to her - rehab in Kansas, and a baaaadddd southern accent. I have known Hank for almost 18 years.

8. That said, I would like the big i to think about me saying all of this like moaning myrtle. And now that I think about it - "moaning myrtle" is kind of a kinky name. I'm not going to pigsuit this fucker though, so I'll lay off the kinky kinky toadstool of a name that "moaning myrtle" is. And now that I said "toadstool" - I thought of Mario Bros. and the odd reintroduction of childhood past - care bears, strawberry shortcake - and who are they fooling? WHO ARE THEY FOOLING!? I digress...

9. I am going to make it to #10, I will!


10. You are damn straight when you say I was late to work today. You are not lying. I was approximately 1 hour late and pulled the diversionary (is that a word?) trick of being pissed off at the fax machine that has replaced my regular phone. Then - the CD player business. Stick with me, jellybeans, and you shall learn how to scam and procrastinate your way to the top!!!

*Time to de-Santa Fe!*

2003-01-03 | 11:07 a.m.

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