(Last night I talked about the un-diverse Beach Boys - God help us)

So, so, so... and well, well, well.... I sort of got a little tanko-blanko last night, with too much whiskey & not enough soda, and I blame this on the big i - ok, no I don't - I blame it on myself for having anxiety in going to public places IN WHICH I will spend time with certain somebodies not necessarily in the comfort zone. Luckily, there were some saving graces of the evening, big i included - except I was drunk & being moronic. Wheeeeee! Morons of the world unite!

In my sleepy slumber blessed by a Jameson haze, I did, however, have a very interesting dream. I dreamt that me & that woman from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" were witches, and we just got in a shipment of magic wands (they looked like branches from a tree, so it wasn't that much fun), and we were constantly at each other's throats. There were other weird parts to the dream - the hijinks we went through to hide our witchiness from others, me swimming nekkid in the ocean and doing my laundry... in the ocean. And a Christmas present of 3 pairs of the best shoes I have ever seen from this guy I don't even know that well, but see out from time to time.

And that was that. I woke up today feeling chippy - especially since I jammed tons & tons of Joe's honky-tonk bluegrass band's chips and dip into my mouth last night (shhhh). Unfortunately, I did email or post some people last night, at the tail end of drunken debauchery, which may have been dumb dumb dumb! But it also may have been amusing amusing amusing! If you have received an email, it was not in error! It was in.... error! Woohoo!

So... let's recap the year - or perhaps this week, since I can't really remember this year...

1. Joe took the place of ol' Ludie at a party this weekend in which I dragged him by the gullet & ear onto the dance floor when "Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough" came on & I had a hernia and peed on myself in excitement.

2. I swore off drinking - and then took it up again last night in which I may have made a fool of myself, but who really cares, because I distinctly remember not hurting anyone's feelings. Or spitting in someone's face.

3. Christmas came and went - as did whiskey night, which Eliza has not made up her hours missed. Luckily, that snatch must come get her present & checks, and then we'll giggle like little lost puppies (wait, that makes no sense whatsoever). And then we'll have drinks & throw our money out of car windows & laugh at the plebians! This won't happen at all!

4. My "signature scent" - an embarrassingly dorky term when I think about it, is Gucci Rush - and I just found out that it smells like this candle I had when I was around the age of 13, thus ... you can go home again & why the hell not. Take that, Wolfe!

5. My sister's idea of hot enchiladas is really just an enchilada that is not hot.

6. Pizza is the best food on the face of the planet, and it's even better when one orders it with garlic baked into the crust and pepperoni is sprinkling its salty, greasy goodness all over the place.

7. Today is supposed to reach 51F. Fifty-one degrees! This is no no NO behavior for December! I am thoroughly disappointed in New Mexico's bad bad bad weather! I want cold & snow & old people breaking bones & slipping on the concrete!

Alas. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight.

2002-12-28 | 12:01 p.m.

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50s people