Frenchie? Frenchie wenchie?

So... so tired. Today is the day before Thanksgiving, a particularly loathsome holiday when one thinks about it - what with the overeating, family interaction, and closure of all businesses. While I don't mind sleeping in, I do mind the gettin up & gettin over to chez ma soeur. Oh well - as broke as I am, there is no need to deny myself free *free* FREE food.

Also, and unfortunately to all abroad & homeside, my hairdying spree might be coming to an abrupt and ugly end. And today my getup looks like I'm trying to be a conservative french maid - making it fairly obvious that these clothes should be ripped off in the throws of passion! They should be tangled up in my freshly-dyed hair - poised for further instruction as the ravishment of my....

Ok - where was I? Family & Thanksgiving - oy vey.

2002-11-27 | 9:53 a.m.

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